6th International Monodrama Festival THESPIS
07.-14.11.2008 Kiel GERMANY


Wednesday, 12.11. | 18:00 | Pumpe

written and performed by Jessica Lynn Johnson

"Oblivious to Everyone", conceived by playwright/performer Jessica Lynn Johnson, explores the media's portrayal of and influence on the style and psyche of the modern woman. This 75 minute serio-comedy centers around the character of Carrie, a self-proclaimed smut-aholic and avid talk show watcher, who is seeking psychiatric evaluation after repeated complaints from friends and family about her alleged multiple "personalities". Rapidly flipping identities like TV stations, the audience will discover just how oblivious this Paris Hilton wannabe really is. Jessica Lynn Johnson portrays ten characters of different age, sex and race as a means to examine the influential stereotypes, prejudices and pressures American media inflicts on our society.

Jessica Lynn Johnson is a professional actress residing in New York City. "As a teenager, I was definitely a self-proclaimed smut-aholic, tuning in to every sleazy dating show, every episode of Ricki Lake, Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, reading every tabloid there was, etc. So, after awhile, the media's mixed messages, the pressures, the stereotypes, the portrayal of minorities, the obsession with physical perfection, all of it started to take a toll. I began realizing the negative effect all of these images and messages were having on me, on my perception of myself and of others. In college, I decided to allow the bubble I was living in to burst. I began tuning in to CNN and NPR. It's truly amazing what one can learn about the world when 'Friends' is not one's only source of reality." (Jessica Lynn Johnson)

With the kind support of the U.S. Consulate General Hamburg

language: English | length: 75 minutes | German premiere